About Poker Creek Gold
Established on Creek Street in 1991 by Pat and Brad Mohre, Poker Creek Gold has Alaska’s best selection of gold nuggets. The Mohre’s moved to Ketchikan from the Fortymile region of Interior Alaska where they made a living mining gold. In 2003, the Hauser family took over Poker Creek Gold from the Mohre’s and have continued to specialize in natural gold nuggets. Since 2005 we have also carried a fantastic selection of natural gold quartz.
Creek Street, A Brief History
From the early 1900’s until 1954 Creek Street was the red-light district of Ketchikan. In 1903 the various houses of ill repute around Ketchikan were required by the city council to move to a more secluded part of town, Creek Street, which already hosted a number of brothels, was chosen. Since then Creek Street has had a reputation for being a place to go for a good time and to perhaps find a bargain or two.